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Type 1 Diabetes and Coronavirus

Type 1 Diabetes and Coronavirus
Typre 1 Diabetes and Coronavirus

Yesterday I put out a post on my Type 1 Active Instagram asking fellow T1D’s to share their knowledge of coronavirus and diabetes. Based on comments, reputable sources and general health guidance for ill diabetics, I have listed some key information below.

  • Just because you have t1d, it does NOT mean you are more likely to become infected with the virus. This is often confused with the information that diabetics might experience more severe symptoms than a non-diabetic. This is probably one of the most important points as it may alleviate some of your anxiety.
  • Sick day rules apply; test more often, drink plenty of water, check for ketones if hyperglycaemic. Your health care provider will have given your specific information on sick day rules.
  • In case of lockdown it is important to have enough carbohydrate to treat at least 14 days’ worth of hypos. Same goes for insulin and test strips.
  • If you are on lockdown and not displaying any symptoms you should still test more often. For most, being stuck at home will change normal daily activity level, which means basal rates may need to be adjusted.
  • No manufacturers of insulin or medical supplies have expressed concerns about their ability to deliver their supply.  
  • I am sure you already know to wash your hands more often and to keep your distance from large groups, but it is worth repeating. Be smart!
  • Don’t panic.

Here is some useful reading…

Diabetes UK – https://www.diabetes.org.uk/about_us/news/coronavirus?amp&__twitter_impression=true

JDRF – https://www.jdrf.org/virginia/2020/02/28/coronavirus-what-we-should-do-now/

I hope this has been helpful for you. I will update regularly as I gather more information. Stay strong and continuing with exercises and self-care, even if you are stuck at home.

Rowena x


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